Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Letting the days go by....

It was the late Nora Ephron, famous playwright and journalist, who said that one must be the heroine of your own life and not the victim. I hope that my heroine will one day have more to overcome other than the pathetic feeling of boredom and apathy towards life in general. I have to now face, with much regret in stating this, the long journey to London as I take my parents to the airport. They will be gone for near a month and my sisters already have filled that space up with plans, plans and more plans. Boyfriends, jobs, things to do, people to see - me not being one of them of course since I moved back from Scotland to spend more time with them....so I suppose my battle is loneliness at the moment, left with no car, no money and absolutely no boyfriend. My Aunt Mimi sadly just passed away too, and at the age of 57, the news came as quite a shock...just not shock enough that it would spur my family on in the objective of solidarity. Nope. I will miss the company of my parents, the banter and the constant presence of them being there, in the background or otherwise, for me to talk to...I have friends, lots of people I would like to see and spend time with...but I suppose without money and transport, it proves to be quite difficult...I am hopeless really aren't I? Am I a heroine much, who am I saving? Aren't I more the victim...well if so then what to do to overcome this malady...perhaps I must instead, make plans??? Exercise my heart out...yes I wish things were simpler, how is it that even if I do those things I am still bored. I complain about how many times I have to visit the job centre every week even though I know in my heart, that I have a job to start in September so I am technically not that hapless and bored...so then why I am completely bored and unfulfilled, is it my age, the weather, the lack of love I feel in my life??? or the lack of purpose in my life, surely I need an adventure for this heroine to show her stuff!!!!

 "I can live alone, if self-respect, and circumstances require me so to do. I need not sell my soul to buy bliss. I have an inward treasure born with me, which can keep me alive if all extraneous delights should be withheld, or offered only at a price I cannot afford to give."

Monday, 22 July 2013

That feeling when you raid your mother's old clothes

Well we all love vintage clothes, and every girl knows, our mother's closet can be a goldmine! Back in the 70s and 80s when she was a teeny size 6 and saved up all that amazing yet sometimes ghastly tube dresses and mini skirts for her future daughter, only for her to make riches on ebay and become a style icon...yes of course this is the obvious outcome to finding a pair of dixie dungarees that just about fit me!

How cool would these look if only they were in fashion again and not denotative of a lesbian tree hugger or a painter?? Or am I not being daring enough, the dungaree playsuit has made a comeback, maybe this little gem is soon to follow??? :)))

Friday, 12 July 2013

Being a dharma bum

Although I am more partial to On the Road, I couldn't help but feel like a scourge on society as an unemployed, single 20 something living with my parents, being totally dependent upon my two younger sisters for their transportation and on my friends for making me feel better about life. I wanted to hit the road and leave it all behind, begin again, be a dharma bum...but this time something told me to stay.
Maybe I had given up on being unique, on having a story that no other had, on living my dreams out loud. I wanted to do something radical with my life, forget about the impediments...but alas there I was down the job centre again, with the woman who was going to help me find a job, obviously I must have some flaw if I'm not already in work so her stance went something like this. I sat down and she made no expression or comment. She looked at the computer screen and said to it, 'I'll just be a moment typing up your answers ok', to which I replied 'sure'. She then looked at me, still utterly expressionless and even, miserable, and said very slowly as if she was talking to a deaf 90 year old or a cabbage, 'What's your full name again?', I replied, to which her next question, equally as stupefied, went 'and what's your marital status?' with a horrible bone chilling extension on the 'ussss' in line with the valleys accent. This was the answer to my problems, treat everyone with unbecoming disdain, disrespect and un-human coldness and I'll be good enough to find other people work! What an example us poor working class roughs have to look at in the deepest depths of desperation, do we really need people like this in these positions. How about talking to me as if I have a Masters, not moving briskly past the subject of education and asking me for the fifth time do I know how to set up an email account!!

This author also seems to agree. Here is another similar story from 2010, surely things have to change soon!

Friday, 5 July 2013

Hello Summer my old friend...

Well long story here, but I'll go ahead...I am now 23 years old, a much wiser age than 22 and I am also currently unemployed and living with my parents in Wales...again...But getting here was hard. I've been through quite a lot in the last month, I visited the Hebridean Isle of Barra (of which sadly I was too preoccupied to document) but I have it all documented the old fashioned way, in my travel notebook, as bruised and battered as the rocks I sat on to write in it. I took a big step in quitting my job, I want more for myself and I know that sometimes you have to face the dragon head on in order to defeat it, instead of simply hiding behind a rock...and so I wrote up my first ever notice to quit and spent 2 days deciding whether to submit it. Now I feel like life may be turning in a new direction. I have started thinking seriously about writing a book, and have more than enough notes and ideas to get started, and time I might add...I spend most days worried about the future, worried about my money quickly running out, worried about how old I am getting with no relationships ever lasting longer than a year and the outlook looking bleak to say the least. I sunbathed today and wrote in my journal about nostalgia and new avenues of life revealing itself over the brow of uncertainty...but after a quiet summer walk with my sister I remembered the person I missed and the reason I came back, I needed to get in touch with myself again, spend time with the people that will ALWAYS be there and just relax!!!